Self Sovereign Identity

EBSI Wallet conformant

The EBSI Wallet (Hyperledger Aries compatible) is a mobile application that allows you to manage your credentials and identities in a secure way.


Features of the mobile wallet

Embrace the power of decentralized identity management. Start using our EBSI-Compliant Wallet today.

Superior DID Management
Easily create, manage, and control your Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). Our wallet ensures that your DIDs are secured and readily available for use in your online interactions, giving you enhanced control over your digital footprint.
Trustworthy Verifiable Credentials
Our EBSI-Compliant Wallet allows you to establish trusted relationships online by sharing your Verifiable Credentials (VCs). You decide what information you share, adding another layer of privacy to your digital transactions.
Seamless Integration with OIDC4CI and OIDC4VP
Our wallet's compatibility with OpenID Connect for Customer Identity (OIDC4CI) and OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations (OIDC4VP) ensures that your DIDs and VCs can be authenticated and verified across multiple platforms, allowing for a more connected, decentralized experience.
EBSI Compliance
Compliance with the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) ensures that our wallet operates under the strict standards set by the European Union. This includes high-grade security, privacy, and interoperability to provide a superior user experience.
High-Grade Security
Your digital assets are well-protected in our EBSI-Compliant Wallet. Our platform employs state-of-the-art encryption technologies and security protocols to ensure your DIDs, VCs, and other personal data are safe from unauthorized access and breaches.
User-Friendly Interface
Despite the advanced technology running under the hood, our wallet is designed with a clean, intuitive interface. This ensures a smooth user experience, making it easy even for beginners to manage their digital identities and credentials.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Decentralized Identifier (DID)?
A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is a new type of identifier that allows you to verify your identity without the need for a central registry, identity provider, or certificate authority. It's a key component in our EBSI-Compliant Wallet, providing users with enhanced security and control over their digital identity.
How do Verifiable Credentials (VCs) work?
Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are a digital equivalent of physical credentials, such as driver's licenses, passports, or membership cards. They are tamper-evident and can be verified by anyone. With our wallet, you can manage your VCs, deciding which information to share without revealing sensitive data.
What is the significance of the wallet's compatibility with OIDC4CI and OIDC4VP?
Our wallet's compatibility with OpenID Connect for Customer Identity (OIDC4CI) and OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations (OIDC4VP) means your DIDs and VCs can be authenticated and verified across multiple platforms. It enables the seamless integration of our wallet with various online services, creating a connected, decentralized digital experience.
What is EBSI compliance, and why does it matter?
European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) compliance means our wallet operates under the strict standards set by the European Union for privacy, security, and interoperability. It assures users of our commitment to maintaining high-grade security features and providing a superior user experience.
How secure is the EBSI-Compliant Wallet?
We prioritize the security of your digital assets. Our wallet employs state-of-the-art encryption technologies and security protocols to ensure your DIDs, VCs, and other personal data are safeguarded from unauthorized access and breaches.
I'm new to DIDs and VCs. Is this wallet suitable for beginners?
Absolutely! Our EBSI-Compliant Wallet features a user-friendly interface, designed to provide a smooth user experience. Whether you're a beginner or an expert in digital identity management, you'll find our wallet easy to navigate and use.

Ready to start your project?

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